Allendale County
After 34 years of Mr. Clyburn's representation
Allendale County is the poorest county
in the poorest (Clyburn's) Congressional District
According to Census Bureau (July 1, 2023)
Median Household Income
Allendale County = $37,096
South Carolina = $63,623
United States = $75,149
% in Poverty
Allendale County = 36.7%
South Carolina = 13.9%
United States = 11.1%
This business is gone. The building is failing. Allendale County is struggling financially.
Decaying buildings that once housed businesses and families are numerous in Allendale County
This huge facility is empty, surrounded by a chain link fence and Private Property signs. How many do you suppose used to work there?
When I-95 opened, a lot of north-south traffic bypassed Allendale County. Citizens suffered and many who were able left. Allendale became a "forgotten" county.
This house on a four lane highway is empty. Where did the occupants go? Why did they leave? Was there no work?
This motel is barely visible from the four lane highway. It is empty, unused, decaying and overgrown.