Welcome to Clyburn's District

Democrat History Highlights

The founders of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats.


81% of the Democrats in Congress either voted "No" or abstained from voting on S. J. Res. 16 --House Vote #480 in 1865 (38th Congress)-- the passage of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. 100% of the Republicans voted "Yes."

After the Compromise of 1877, Democrats regained political power in every Southern State. They passed "Jim Crow" laws segregating Blacks and Whites.


In September 1957 Democratic Governor Orval Faubus called out the National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering (the all White) Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Republican President Eisenhower sent federal troops (1,200 members of the 101st Airborne Division) to insure the Black students could attend Central High School.


17 of the 18 filibustering AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were Democrats.


Mr. Clyburn is a Democrat.

Democrats say they care, but do they care about you?

If they do care, why, after 32 years of Democrat Clyburn, is the 6th District among the poorest in America?

Are you sure you want to vote for Democrats?
Don't listen to what they say  --
Look at what they have done!


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